Get connected with resources

Whatever your situation, you are never alone. If you are in a crisis, or know someone who needs immediate help, do not hesitate. Call 911.

Important Numbers in a crisis

National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255

Crisis Text Line: Text "HELP" to 741-741

Connect2Help: dial 211 - Connect2Help offers the 211 services if you simply need answers to questions and don't know where to turn.

Other excellent resources for your consideration:

The following are various resources for grieving and support you can find throughout the county.


Ryan's Place, 574-535-1000 and on the web

Support Services:

Samaritan Health and Living Center Inc.: 574-262-3597 and on the web

Oaklawn: 574-533-1234 and on the web

Heart City Health: 574-262-3597


Connect2Help: dial 211

Friendship Line 1-800-971-0016 (older adult support system)


Suicide Prevention Center of St. Joseph County

National Alliance of Mental Illness - Elkhart County

Anabaptist Disabilities Network

Find Support in the Community

Several support groups meet regularly in Elkhart County. To add to this list, please contact coalition member Barb Welty by email or call 574-523-2119.

Ryan's Place: Suicide Bereavement Group, contact 574-535-1000 for times and locations.

Eating Disorder support group: contact 574-360-3201 or email Nanci at